An Overview of the Hurst Composite Door Designer

An Overview of the Hurst Composite Door Designer

At Leekes, we supply composite doors throughout South Wales. Designed to enhance the security, aesthetic, and energy efficiency of your home, composite doors are exceptionally durable and built to last.

Manufactured by the market-leading Hurst Doors, our composite doors are built from a rigid polymer subframe, high-impact GRP skin, and a high-density, CFC-free polyurethane foam core. Combined, these materials provide strength, security, and thermally efficient properties.

Hurst’s composite doors are available in a variety of beautiful styles and provide a range of colours, glass designs and hardware options. To design your perfect door, we have a composite door designer. The door designer gives you thousands of combination designs, allowing you to create your ideal design. In this article, we are going to look at the composite door designer in more detail.

Choose Door Type  

Once you click on the composite door designer page, you’ll find options to select either a standard Composite Door or a Composite Stable Door. The Composite Door is celebrated for its durability, low maintenance, and superior thermal performance, which significantly enhances the kerb appeal of any home or property. The Composite Stable Door provides a charming, traditional rustic aesthetic with independently functioning upper and lower door sections, fortified by a sturdy subframe for enhanced security.

Select A Door Collection 

After you have chosen your door, we give you a choice of four distinct door style collections that will begin the customisation process. The Classic collections gives you a selection of styles that are suited for a traditional home, such as Composite Half Arched, Composite Crown and Composite Half Georgian, where the large glazed area lets natural light flood into your home. The Cottage Collection is perfect for those looking for a more rustic charm, such as cottages and farmhouses. The Contemporary Collection offers door styles with clean lines and sophisticated styles for those looking for a modern aesthetic. The fourth Collection is the Designer, which emulates the aesthetic of aluminium but at a more cost effective price point.

Leekes Composite Door Banner

All of these beautiful doors offer a high level of thermal efficiency, which keeps natural heat indoors and cold air outside, helping save money on your energy bills.

Select Frame Style 

Customise the style of frame for your door with top panels or side panels, depending on height and width of your entrance opening. These can be selected in the frame selection. Top lights and sidelights will bring extra daylight into your home while providing a welcoming feel. You also can also select which side the door is hinged to suit your spatial and functional requirements.

Choose Your Door Colour 

The Hurst Designer offers over 1,600 colours to enable you to stamp your personality on your door. Select from a plethora of colours such as Chartwell Green, Anthracite Grey, Rosewood, and Cream. Your door can also be a dual colour, for example with white on the inside to complement the interior of your home, whilst the exterior in another colour to blend with the aesthetic of the exterior.

composite doors near me Penarth

Select Fram Style

Our Door Designer includes choices from three profiles: Eurocell Chamfered, Liniar’s Chamfered Profile, and Eurocell Chamfered Slimline. Each profile offers a unique aesthetic—from traditional to sleek and modern—enhancing your home’s visual appeal while ensuring optimal thermal efficiency.

The Hurst Designer lets you choose the colour of the external and internal door frame, which gives your home a welcoming appearance. There is a plethora of colours on offer, which includes Oak, Rosewood, and White Foil. Alternatively, choose from our 1600 RAL colour options. We offer many choices at your disposal.

Secured by Design 

To ensure you door meets the requirements of Secured by Design, you can upgrade your door to meet the criteria of this an initiative backed by the police which aims to ensure every home is secured. The Secured by Design upgrade includes a spyhole, a safety chain, laminated glass and a letterbox security cowl. This prevents criminals from fishing through a letterbox to unlock latches.

Select A Glass Design for your Hardware 

With plenty of decorative glass patterns to choose from, there are lots of choices which can be customised to your needs. The glass design can enhance privacy level whilst elevating the style of your door.

Choose Accessories For Your Door 

Finally, choose a range of accessories for your door. These include door knockers including bee knockers, lever/ lever handles and contemporary long pull handles, as well as letterplates and safety chains in a variety of colours and finished. These finishing touches really help you tailor your door to your needs.

Send Us Your Door Design

Once you’ve designed your perfect door, you can submit the design along with your contact details and then one of the Leekes team will get in contact with you to provide a quote.


We hope that this article has helped you understand how the Hurst Door Designer works. It is simple and easy to use because it gives you many options to personalise your door. If you have any questions, our friendly team is on hand to help you. Give us a call at 0800 038 5355 or fill out our contact form.

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